Saturday, April 16, 2011

Life Lessons-A Paradox or Not

I try to be a person who recognizes that inevitably, everything that happens to you and around you are life lessons, LIVE. So you can T-VO it if you want, save it for later and fast forward through the bullshit, which is what I usually do.  Or you can experience it as it is happening, with everyone who's suppose to be included at that scripted moment in time.   How cool that if you're a kinesthetic learner such as myself, you don't have to read it in a manual or listen to it on audio but wow, you can actually experience it as it is happening...if you want to. 

The other irony about life lessons is the way it's customized just for your learning.  The intricacies of who's involved, what's involved your weaknesses used, your strengths gained and even the fears  hiding in the abyss of that folder labled, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL tucked away in the file cabinet of your sub concious.

And let's bring up my least favorite aspect of the life lesson show; how it continues to air even after you've made the decision to skip the live showing and turn on something else to cloud to mind.  Like The View for instance because it's so much more fun to listen to my least favorite person in the world, Elisabeth Hasselbeck regurgitate something Sarah Palin influenced and claim it to be only way, the American way.  Much more fun than watching my life lesson in the making...NOT.  This is where it stops and this is where I tune into what's REALLY important  because frankly, I'm tired of it airing all the time.  I'm tired of not getting the lesson as it happens, that it continues to block the complete peace I'm potentially able to receive in THIS  life time.

This is where I smile...because the empowerment and the freedom I begin to feel as I have EVERY power and choice to see the lesson from the naked eye and do something about it.

I sent an email today to someone from my recent past who I didn't think I could do this with for quite a while.  I was visiting my mother's grave the other day as my pregnant belly is starting to show and I wanted to be near my mother.  Something came over me and I thought of this person long and deep.  Someone who I felt caused some heart aches and someone who I figured, as long as they were out of sight, they were out of mind.  I could just go on with my life and leave the past behind.   Sometimes that works for others and for me, I'm starting to see the lesson is I need to actually order to let go.   It CAN'T  happen the other way around.
For months, I've had that file labeled, STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL tucked away in my sub concious but the script writer has found it humerous to bring it to light in my dreams, or a conversation brought up by a mutual friend or however that it just effs up your day.

The definition I found for forgive:

1. To excuse for a fault or an offense; pardon.
2. To renounce anger or resentment against.
3. To absolve from payment of (a debt, for example).

As I read through the these definitions, I think, "Wow, everything sounds so easy when its objective." It's when you add your experience, emotions and ego into the mix that makes it oh so complicated and It's the act of forgiving whole heartedly that makes it oh so complicated.

I won't get into the thought process and what it took for me to actually feel  peace towards this person enough to send a warm email this morning but as I re read my blog, I'm happy to say I pay $80.00 a month for cable...mostly for the T-VO feature and that I can save my shows to watch at a later time; because I'm grateful I got the lesson, even if I didn't catch it the first time...What I will NOT do is turn on The View instead to watch Elisabeth Hasselbeck and perhaps just opt to turning off the TV... until I'm ready to watch my shows.

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